Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bully Prevention Month & Kindness in Chalk

This week, Art Club was on a mission. A mission to remind students, staff, and visitors that kindness is important. It all started when I saw the Kindness in Chalk campaign. The Kindness in Chalk event is the brain-child of teachers in the Twin Cities. I found their idea inspiring and a great way to acknowledge October as Bully-Prevention Month. So, we joined in! 

On Tuesday, we chalk-bombed the sidewalk right in front of the junior high campus. First, we discussed some frightening statistics on how bullying affects students and what can be defined as bullying. We then discussed why promoting a message of kindness, tolerance, and inner-strength was so important (compared to chanting don't be a bully or no bullying). Students brain-stormed, in groups, about their message and aesthetic choices (color, lettering, etc.). Then, we got down to business! Here is what they came up with. 
"We rise by lifting others"

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" "Love each other"
"No act of kindness is ever wasted"

"Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out"

"Be kind"

"Work hard,  be kind, and great things will happen!"
 They did a lovely job. Which is why I was so disappointed and discouraged when the same students came to me the next day to say that kids were purposefully shuffling along their work to destroy it. 
Our chalk art didn't even last 24 hours. 
I guess it just proves our point. 
Kindness, love, tolerance and inner-strength need to be reenforced for everyone.